Well if life is a Fairy Tale then Where is my Perfect Life?
Present Day.....
Some of you may have noticed the disparancy between the date of the first post of this blog and the actual date. As with most things in life there is an explanation of course and to put the minds at rest who would notice such things, I shall explain. While I explained I have blogged off and on for years and written for many more than that, I tend to do it in spurts. Last winter after experiencing a bit of (well actually much more than a bit of) a bleak cloud of "where is my life going" or "life sucks" moments, I came through with renewed energy to move forward. For life is a little like that isn't it? It is ups and downs, clouds and sunshine, and for me, moments of stomping in my 3" heels. And so last April, having put my life back on an even keel and finding some balanced perspective, I was ready to move forward and write once again.
Whoa! Not to be melodramatic or anything...But then the world that I knew, blew to smithereens! Let's be honest, 6 months have passed and I have regained perspective, but nothing can errase the memory of that day last April when I can honestly say I experienced a grief so deep, so sorrowful, so painful, that I had no idea what I was going to do in those next moments.
So rather than just play catch up with my memories, I am going to give you the posts that never made it it light. Words, written for me or for a few friends but which really lay the foundation for this blog. Because they are the posts that really to help you understand the woman that I am today. They are the posts that really help me understand my fairy tale. Not the one that I thought I wanted and didn't get, but the one that has given me a life much richer in because it was never me providing the ultimate direction of my life. Today's fairy tale is one where I still don't know my future but one who allows me to be a main character in the script of life.
And so now for a look at the past 6 months....
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