Let's kick butt!

It's hard to write when life is up and down ....but isn't that life? People have noticed I took a break from writing (although my friends maybe don't know that I wrote as a sideline)..I was taking deep breaths. Life is up and down for so many of  us. I could say my life is worse but the reality ...not really. I am pretty sure there are a  few of us taking deep breaths right now...breath out........

That is the  thing with life ...we feel we are all alone. Then we realize we are not alone. I have those moments of ...wow can I breath?. ... My life is overwhelming...so is yours...we are both experiencing those same moments. You are not alone.
So tomorrow...just do one thing to kick butt. Even if its a pillow. And I have kicked many across the room. I am with you. and then do something else. Cause we can do anything. We love....we laugh...we kick butt!!!!!!!!


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