Let's kick butt!
It's hard to write when life is up and down ....but isn't that life? People have noticed I took a break from writing (although my friends maybe don't know that I wrote as a sideline)..I was taking deep breaths. Life is up and down for so many of us. I could say my life is worse but the reality ...not really. I am pretty sure there are a few of us taking deep breaths right now...breath out........
That is the thing with life ...we feel we are all alone. Then we realize we are not alone. I have those moments of ...wow can I breath?. ... My life is overwhelming...so is yours...we are both experiencing those same moments. You are not alone.
That is the thing with life ...we feel we are all alone. Then we realize we are not alone. I have those moments of ...wow can I breath?. ... My life is overwhelming...so is yours...we are both experiencing those same moments. You are not alone.
So tomorrow...just do one thing to kick butt. Even if its a pillow. And I have kicked many across the room. I am with you. and then do something else. Cause we can do anything. We love....we laugh...we kick butt!!!!!!!!
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