Oh, the Ode of love! You know, I actually never imagined me
writing a blog about Valentine’s Day.
But I wanted to write one about “Post Valentine’s Day”. Now that it is over, it is less likely to get
overshadowed by stories of love (which I think are fabulous) and also I hope
you will see this as I am not one who is not upset or hurt because she just wasn’t
someone’s Valentines.
This was the best Valentine’s
Day ever. It started with no expectation. I am not in a relationship and to my
knowledge there is no one out there burning a candle of undying love for
me. Not that wouldn’t be kind of
cool, but let’s be realistic. For me, my
Valentine’s Day was about the people and events I came in contact with
throughout the day.
Here was my day…
The bus driver who called me “miss” (I am sorry but as a
“mature” woman….please call me miss…you’ll make me go soft inside)
The Yatzee game (boy did I get beat bad..lol! but my
laughter when I saw my demise from afar, came from the heart)
The man that shared a pita with me (thank you for being so
The chocolate cupcake someone shared with me as a friend (it
was a wonderful moment that you thought of me)
What an amazing day.
I had a smile on my face….and then I walked into my local coffee shop
that evening. Usually so busy, it was empty.
I texted my sister suddenly realizing I just might be the only person in
Victoria without a date. It had never
occurred to me to be sad or lonely today.
It never occurred to me to find someone to spend the night with…just
because. But here I was…alone. And just when I couldn’t feel any worse, a
woman approached me and said, “I guess you are part of the lonely hearts club
To say I was a little shocked is a little bit of an
understatement. Right up until that
moment, I had the best day. Suddenly I
felt less than. One day in 365 and the
eyes of the world were on me. And then I
It was the story I heard that day. As I crossed paths with a friend I see each
day (I am protecting anonymity), I asked
if he had anything special planned for his wife of 20 years. He explained that they didn’t really have the
money and he believed every day was for loving.
BUT…what he could do was to go home on his split shift and make dinner
for them to share later. Now that is love!
I could have gone home tonight after work and felt sorry for
myself. After all, I didn’t have someone
who went home on their split shift and made dinner. I didn’t have flowers or chocolates from that one man spent his lunch hour waiting
in line to buy “the best”.
But I did have something else ... I had a story of real love.
I had an amazing day.
Not a day with a special someone, but a lot of special people.
I don’t think that celebrating a day with someone you love
is wrong. I think it is wonderful. I think chocolates and flowers are great and
if one day someone gets those for me on February 14th, my heart will
be warm and I will be grateful. But on a
day when just “anyone” is to fill the void in my life becomes more important
that the day “I am single, happy, and just me”, I might be sad inside. And that is a day that I hope never happens.
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