THE VILLAGE (part 2…the community)
Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together. ~Paul Ryan~ My son was giving a talk the other day , and although I was not able to be there in person, he could share it by pod-cast (boy I sure do love technology...can barely operate it but it do love it!). Now I am paraphrasing, but his talk focused on the concepts of what it is to have a community, to take care of it, and the people that live there. It got me thinking. In part 1 of my “Village blog series", I wrote about the value of having a village that raises a child. To continue along the lines of that theory, I believe that the community village can play such an important role in providing love and safety for individuals of all ages. I live in a city. But within those city walls lies various small “villages”. Now, I know that I am biased but I personally think that I live in th...